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What is Lung Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

There is lung tissue within the chest cavity. The lung is covered by a very thin membrane tissue that resembles onion skin.

This membrane tissue also extends to the inner surface of the ribs. Cancer that develops in this membrane tissue is called ” Lung Membrane Cancer ” or, in medical terms, “mesothelioma”.

What are The Causes of Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

The most important factor that causes Lung membrane cancer  is exposure to asbestos through the respiratory tract. Although rare, it may also occur due to viruses. Lung membrane cancer  is not a rare disease in society. People who work in industries such as insulation, ship industry, construction, tank pallets, linings or insulation, and who live near such industrial facilities are in the risk group for Lung membrane cancer. The risk of contracting this disease is higher than other people.

For Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma) to occur, nearly ten years must pass after exposure to asbestos. Lung membrane cancer  occurs many years later in people who work and are exposed to asbestos in their young adulthood.

Asbestos material is found not only in the industrial sector, but also naturally in the soil of regions such as Diyarbakır Çermik, Nevşehir, Eskişehir and Afyon in our country. Essentially, it is a soft and fragrant substance and is used in many areas, from house coverings to molasses production. In other words, even if we do not work in the industrial sector, there is a possibility that we may be exposed to asbestos through inhalation.

Even if we do not breathe asbestos directly, we are at risk of developing Lung membrane cancer  when we live with someone who is exposed to asbestos. Skin contact with asbestos increases the risk of mesothelioma just as much as inhaling it.

What are The Symptoms of Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Lung cancer is the cancer of the lung membrane called pleura. In the early stages of this cancer, symptoms are often mild and can be difficult to notice.

However, in later stages, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Chest Pain:

Lung membrane cancer  usually causes pain in the chest area. The pain is usually concentrated on one side of the chest wall and may increase with movements such as breathing or coughing.

  • Shortness of Breath:

Because the pleura is a membrane that surrounds the lungs, breathing can become difficult when cancer affects this membrane. The feeling of shortness of breath can often be felt during activity or even at rest.

  • Cough and Phlegm:

Because pleura cancer is located next to the lungs, it can cause respiratory symptoms such as cough and phlegm. Cough can often be long lasting and severe.

  • Swelling or Swelling on the Chest Wall:

The growth of cancerous cells on the lung lining can cause swelling or swelling on the chest wall. This swelling usually occurs as a palpable mass on the chest wall.

  • Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite:

In advanced stage Lung membrane cancer  , weight loss and loss of appetite may occur as a result of the cancer consuming the body’s energy resources and decreasing appetite.

What are The Types of Lung Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Mesothelioma (Lung Membrane Cancer) types generally appear in three forms.


  • Epithelioid Mesothelioma:

This cell type generally has a better prognosis than others. Epithelial cells are the most common cells in your body.

  • Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma:

Sarcomatoid cells are the least common cells in your body. Their shape makes them more likely to move anywhere on your body because they are harder to stick together. This makes them more dangerous.

  • Biphasic Mesothelioma:

This is a mixture of the first two types.

Who Gets Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Although mesothelioma is a malignant tumor, it is frequently seen in people exposed to asbestos minerals. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that adheres to the lungs after breathing and causes Lung membrane cancer  (mesothelioma).

Although some occupational groups seem more risky, getting lung cancer is a really high risk for everyone.

Some of the occupational groups that are more frequently exposed to asbestos are as follows:

  • People engaged in the manufacture or maintenance of automobile brake pads,
  • People who produce or use thermal insulation materials,
  • Shipyard workers,
  • People who work in the construction of houses known as “white soil” and are used in house construction in the villages or who live in these houses.

What is The Difference Between Lung  Membrane Cancer  (Mesothelioma) and Lung Cancer?

The main difference between pleural cancer and Lung membrane cancer  is the point at which it occurs. At the same time, the cells of Lung membrane cancer  also differ.

Stem cells that form membrane regions and nerve tissues are different from each other due to their structure. While there is no pain sensor in the lung tissue, it is present in the lung membrane.

The way these two types of cancer occur is also different from each other. Since the lung membrane covers the entire chest cavity, it spreads over a larger area. In contrast, lung cancer develops at a single point.

What are The Stages of Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Mesothelioma stages are very important for early diagnosis and treatment. According to these stages, doctors determine the treatment method.

Stage 1:

The tumor is limited only to the lung membrane.

Stage 2:

The tumor has spread to the chest wall, heart, esophagus and mediastinum.

Stage 3:

The tumor has crossed the diaphragm and spread to the abdominal membrane. In addition to the thorax, lymph nodes are also affected.

Stage 4:

The tumor has now spread to other organs.

How is Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma) Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Lung Membrane Cancer  (Mesothelioma) is made by the patient’s complaints, physical examination, medical history and various diagnostic tests. Patients usually present with symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, weight loss and abdominal swelling. By evaluating the patient’s history of asbestos exposure and other risk factors, the doctor may order appropriate diagnostic tests.

Radiological Examinations:

  • Chest X-ray,
  • Computed Tomography (CT),
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

These are the first methods used in patients with suspected mesothelioma. These imaging methods help determine the location, size and spread of the tumor.

For a definitive diagnosis, a biopsy is required. Biopsy is the process of examining a tissue sample taken from the tumor under a microscope.

Among Biopsy Methods:

  • Fine Needle Aspiration,
  • Surgical Biopsy
  • Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) is available.

What are The Treatments for Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Treatment of Lung membrane cancer  varies depending on the stage of the disease, the extent of spread, and the general health status of the patient.

Below you can find some of the treatment options for Lung membrane cancer  :

  • Surgical Intervention:

In early stage Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)  , surgical intervention may be performed to completely remove the tumor. Surgical options may include removing part or all of the lung lining (Pleurectomy/Decortication) or removing part of the lung (Pulmonary Resection).

  • Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells or control their growth. Systemic chemotherapy in Lung membrane cancer  allows drugs to be administered intravenously, circulating throughout the body and reaching cancer cells.

  • Radiotherapy:

Radiotherapy aims to kill cancer cells using high-energy rays. In Lung membrane cancer  , radiotherapy can destroy cancer cells by focusing on the affected area of the lung membrane.

  • Pleural Fluid Drainage and Pleurodesis:

If fluid accumulation in the chest cavity (pleural effusion) occurs due to Lung membrane cancer, this fluid can be drained. Additionally, the accumulation of fluid can be prevented by gluing the inner and outer layers of the lung membrane together, a procedure called pleurodesis.

  • Immunotherapy:

This immunotherapy helps control cancer by stimulating the immune system to attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy for Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)  involves the use of drugs that strengthen the immune system.

The treatment plan is determined depending on the individual situation of the patient and the characteristics of the tumor.

Therefore, treatment options and sequence should be evaluated and recommended by a specialist oncologist. Additionally, supportive treatments and palliative care may also be important to improve the patient’s quality of life.

How is Lung  Membrane Cancer Surgery Performed?

  • In Lung membrane cancer (Mesothelioma), a surgical method called open surgery is applied.
  • The patient is placed on his side on the operating table and one of the ribs is removed and Lung membrane cancer surgery is performed.
  • During the surgery, all membranes on the lungs and in the chest cavity are tried to be removed.
  • If necessary, the diaphragm muscle can also be removed during lung cancer surgery. If necessary, the pericardium can also be removed.
  • There is no need to completely remove the lung in pleural cancer surgery.
  • Mesothelioma surgery takes approximately 3-4 hours.
  • After Lung membrane cancer (Mesothelioma) surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for approximately 1 week.
  • Since a large area is affected in Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma) surgery, there is a 1-2 day intensive care period depending on the patient’s condition against the risk of bleeding.

What is The Life Expectancy for Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

The survival time of patients with Lung membrane cancer  varies depending on the treatment applied, the stage of the disease and how the patient responds to the treatment. Life expectancy varies for each patient.

A Lung membrane cancer  patient;

  • Average of 8 months if no treatment
  • 12 to 18 months with chemotherapy
  • When triple therapy is applied, including surgical treatment, the patient can survive for an average of 24 months.

In addition, the results may be different for each patient. Immunotherapy treatment, which has become widely used especially in recent years, strengthens the immune system and prolongs the life of the patient.

There are many options available in the treatment of the disease. However, it would be better to plan the treatment according to the stage of the disease rather than applying all treatment options at the same time.

What Can Be Done to Protect from Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Lung membrane cancer usually develops in a large area surrounding the entire lung and ribs.
Unlike other types of cancer, this type of cancer does not appear in a single spot, but as grape-shaped tumors on the entire surface of the lung membrane.
In people at risk of pleura cancer, complete removal of the pleura may sometimes be considered before the disease develops.
However, when pleura cancer spreads, it is often not possible to completely clear this large area.
For this reason, even patients who apply this method may develop lung cancer.
It is important to prevent lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure.
It would be useful to check whether there is asbestos in the workplace or living area. And it is important that workers exposed to asbestos use protective equipment and follow all safety precautions.
Additionally, taking a shower or changing work clothes after work is important to protect contact persons from possible harm from asbestos and should not be ignored.

Can Smart Drugs Be Used in Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Immunotherapy, that is, immune system treatments, gives extremely successful results in extending the lifespan of patients. Smart drugs constitute an important part of immunotherapy applications.

Is Herbal Treatment Possible for Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma)?

Scientific studies have shown that there is no natural or herbal treatment for Lung membrane cancer  .

Does Lung  Membrane Cancer (Mesothelioma) Metastasize?

  • It metastasizes especially in sarcomatoid type Lung membrane cancer . Sarcomatoid type Lung membrane cancer  is generally; It can metastasize to bone, liver, brain, heart and peritoneum.
  • Epithelioid type Lung membrane cancer usually grows in the area where it emerged and recurs in the same area. It may metastasize in the abdomen or opposite lung.
  • The areas where Lung membrane cancer metastasizes are often to the peritoneum and pericardium.

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