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What is Youth Vaccine?

Youth Vaccine

What is Youth Vaccine?

“Youth Vaccine” is often used to describe aesthetic and medical practices aimed at reducing signs of aging and preserving a youthful appearance.

This vaccine is actually called an anti-aging treatment, not a biological vaccine.

These procedures are generally performed for the purpose of skin rejuvenation, removing wrinkles and making the skin look firmer and brighter.

What are The Contents and Applications of Youth Vaccine?

  1. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers:

It adds volume and reduces wrinkles by injecting under the skin.

It moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity.

  1. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment:

It is performed by injecting platelet-rich plasma obtained from the person’s own blood into the skin.

It accelerates skin renewal and repair.

  1. Mesotherapy:

It is the process of injecting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes into the skin with micro needles.

It nourishes, renews and tightens the skin.

  1. Botox:

It reduces the appearance of wrinkles by relaxing the muscles.

It is generally used in areas such as the forehead, around the eyes and between the eyebrows.

  1. Laser Treatments:

It reduces blemishes, wrinkles and scars on the skin surface.

It makes the skin look smoother and younger.

What are The Benefits of Youth Vaccine?

What are The Types of Youth Vaccines?

There are different types of youth elixir application to help the skin regain the values ​​it needs.


The youth elixir obtained from the blood and sperm of salmon helps renew cells and eliminate skin problems.

In addition, it contains L proline, glycine, hyaluronic acid, L Leucine, L Lysine substances that trigger and increase these substances that are naturally present in the skin. Thus, with its anti-aging effect, it supports the regain of moisture and other substances lost by the skin due to aging.

With this application, also called collagen vaccine, collagen is reinforced to the skin. In this way, sagging of the skin is prevented and the skin looks younger and more vibrant. For the full effect of the vaccine, it is important to apply it in 2 or 3 sessions.

With the injection procedure applied under the skin, wrinkles, moisture loss and deformation on the skin are eliminated and the vitality and radiance of the skin is restored.

This elixir is obtained from the sperm and blood of salmon. Its content ensures the renewal of skin cells. The elixir contains substances such as hyaluronic acid, L proline, L Leucine, glycine, L Lysine. By injecting these substances, the moisture and other substances lost by the skin are regained.

What are The Risks and Side Effects?

As with every medical and aesthetic procedure, there may be some risks and side effects in youth vaccination applications:

Such treatments should usually be performed by expert dermatologists or plastic surgeons. Before starting treatment, it is important to consult with an appropriate specialist to obtain detailed information and determine the most appropriate treatment method in line with personal needs.

To Whom is The Youth Vaccine Applied and to Whom is it not Applied?

Youth vaccination is applied starting from the age of 30, when the signs of aging begin to appear. Youth Vaccine is also applied to people under the age of 30 who experience skin deformation for various reasons and want to prevent the effects of aging before they occur. The lower age limit for youth vaccination is 18. It can be applied to all skin types, men and women, regardless of gender.

The conditions for applying the youth vaccine are as follows:

In Which Regions Is Youth Vaccination Applied?

The main regions where youth vaccination is administered are:

What are The Things to Consider Before Youth Vaccination?

What are The Things to Consider After Youth Vaccination?

Frequently Asked Questions About Youth Vaccine

Application frequency is determined by the doctor according to skin needs. However, sessions are generally planned as 2 or 4 applications at 1-3 week intervals.

Hyaluronic acid is often used in aesthetic applications; It is frequently preferred, especially in filling applications. Because hyaluronic acid is the most reliable among fillers.

The difference between the youth vaccine and the filler is that it does not have cross-links applied to extend the life of the fillers.

However, since it is in pure form, it spreads in the dermis, does not create a mass effect, and thanks to its water retention feature, it revitalizes the skin. Thus, it allows you to have a younger and healthier appearance.

Repeating the youth vaccine application every 6 months will ensure the protection and continuity of the process.

Youth vaccine is a vaccine that can be applied in all seasons. It is necessary to be careful not to stay in the sun for 1-2 weeks after vaccination. If a summer holiday is planned, it is important to get the vaccine before the summer holiday to avoid being affected by skin blemishes that may occur in the summer.

Skin tissue that remains dehydrated for a long time and does not receive the necessary care begins to die over time. Skin needs vary depending on age.

After the age of 30, collagen and moisture balance should be supported. When this vaccine treatment is not applied, the skin cannot reach the moisture it needs.

Over time, it wears out more and becomes irreversibly damaged. You can have the procedure done whenever necessary to always have healthy and bright skin.

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