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What is Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom Tooth

What is Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom female is one of the troublesome processes of many teenagers and adults. Because when wisdom teeth come out, especially if there is no suitable place in the mouth, it can cause serious pain and cause tooth decay. The wisdom tooth is named like this because it comes out between the ages of 17-21.

Two 20-year-old teeth emerge at the back of the mouth, upper and lower. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth. In fact, the 32 teeth in the mouth are completed with the eruption of the wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are actually molars.

20 teeth may not fully erupt in everyone. While some people’s wisdom teeth come out without any problems, most people suffer from wisdom teeth pain. Because the 20-bit impacted tooth, which cannot find a space in the mouth, causes serious pain. If the wisdom tooth pain is unbearable while causing dental caries in this person, the wisdom tooth is extracted.

When Does Wisdom Teeth Come Out?

Although its name is known as wisdom teeth, it does not have to come out only at the age of 20. There are four wisdom teeth in total. These teeth generally erupt between the ages of 17-25. This does not mean that there are no wisdom teeth that do not erupt in this age range. In some cases, wisdom teeth remain impacted and may go unnoticed because they do not cause pain.

Wisdom teeth often grow from the gums in the late teens or early twenties. By this time, the other 28 adult teeth are usually complete. Therefore, there is not always enough room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to grow properly. This is how the impacted wisdom tooth is formed.

What are The Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, which can find enough space in the gums and come out as they should, develop in a healthy way and do not cause any signs of discomfort. However, most people’s wisdom teeth cause problems due to the lack of this area.

Common symptoms during eruption or impaction of wisdom teeth include:

The majority of such symptoms in individuals aged 17-25 are caused by the wisdom teeth and the complications caused by these teeth. Therefore, individuals experiencing these complaints should apply to dentists.

In our patients who show pain, swelling or other symptoms in wisdom teeth, we take dental x-rays after oral and dental examination. This x-ray shows the roots, bone structures, angles of all teeth and impacted teeth. Teeth that are not visible when viewed from the outside, that are horizontally protruding or that are half buried are detected in the x-ray.

Our doctors determine the tooth that needs to be extracted during the examination of the dental x-ray and decide whether it should be removed in the form of a normal tooth extraction or surgical operation.

Some impacted teeth are noticed by infection or cyst formation. In such a situation, drug treatment is applied before tooth extraction. Then an appointment is made for wisdom tooth extraction.

How to Know When Wisdom Teeth Have Come Out?

Wisdom teeth are 4 in the mouth. The last molars to erupt in the mouth are the wisdom teeth. They arise at the back of the upper and lower jaws on the right and left. If you are experiencing pain in the back of your tooth knee and difficulty in opening the jaw, know that your wisdom teeth have started to come out.

20 Year Old Toothache

While wisdom teeth erupt, many individuals may complain of pain due to the presence of factors that will prevent this process from completing normally. Various studies indicate that at least one wisdom tooth may remain impacted in approximately 70% of individuals who have erupted wisdom teeth. Various gum diseases may develop due to infection, decay development or bacterial growth in wisdom teeth, which manifests itself with pain. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals who complain of toothache in their 20s apply to health institutions without wasting time and get support from dentists.

What Is Good For 20-Tooth Pain?

The answer to the question of where wisdom toothache hits is also wondered. If the impacted wisdom tooth is not in the upper jaw, the ear area and the lower jaw, it can cause pain under the chin and towards the neck. In fact, sometimes swelling or tenderness may occur in the lymph nodes in this area. In such cases, the person should definitely go to the dentist. It can be treated with antibiotics and painkillers. However, a program should be made for the related tooth extraction.

One of the best things for wisdom toothache to provide short-term relief is warm salt water. You can mix a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and then rinse your mouth with ice water once an hour.

Clove oil is one of the natural remedies for wisdom toothache. You can temporarily relieve the pain by keeping the clove oil on a piece of cotton around the teeth and gums.

What Are The Conditions That Require Extraction Of Wisdom Teeth?

Saliva, bacteria and food particles accumulate in the socket opened by the newly erupted tooth, threatening both the wisdom tooth and the molar next to it. It is quite difficult to detect and treat this type of caries. Severe conditions that cause pain and infection and result in an abscess may occur.

In the gingiva of a partially erupted wisdom tooth, an infection focus occurs where bacteria and food residues are stored. This causes bad breath, pain, edema and trismus (the inability to open the mouth completely). The infection can spread to the cheek and neck via the lymph. This infection-prone ground around the wisdom tooth is easily a candidate to become infected every time.

If pressure is applied to neighboring teeth during eruption, pain may also be felt due to compression. In some cases, this pressure leads to wear.

Many young individuals undergo orthodontic treatment to correct crooked teeth. Since the eruption pressures of wisdom teeth will reflect on other teeth, there will be mobility in other teeth, and crowding may increase.

In a mouth where prosthesis is planned, wisdom teeth should be taken into account. Because, after wisdom tooth extraction, it will be necessary to make a new prosthesis according to the changing mouth structure.

Cystic cases caused by an impacted tooth have been observed. The cyst causes bone destruction, enlargement of the jaw, and displacement or damage to the surrounding teeth. To prevent bone destruction, the tooth should be extracted and the cyst should be cleaned. Rarely, if this cyst spreads to very large areas, it can turn into tumors or cause spontaneous fractures of the jawbone.

How is Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Doctors use several different methods to extract wisdom teeth. These methods are determined according to the condition of the tooth. If the wisdom tooth is embedded in the gum and its roots are embedded in the bone, the tooth cannot be extracted in one piece. In such a case, the tooth to be extracted is removed by the doctor by dividing it into certain parts with a good operation.

The second method to be applied when removing a wisdom tooth, which can drive people crazy with its pain, is to cut the gums out. If the tooth is under the gum but not embedded in the bone, this procedure is applied.

After the gingiva is cut open, there will be a more comfortable environment for tooth extraction. After all these procedures are performed, the tooth is extracted by a specialist physician.

How to Extract Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

The lack of space causes the wisdom teeth to be angled, compressed, partially protruding or impacted. If the wisdom tooth is completely buried, that is, under the gum, it should be removed by the maxillofacial surgeon. A drug is given for numbing before wisdom tooth surgery. This can sometimes be sedation. Thus, pain is not felt. The surgeon removes the wisdom tooth by cutting the gum.

A wisdom tooth extraction can take up to 20 minutes. This period may be extended in difficult operations.

Nerves may be damaged when lower teeth are removed after tooth extraction. This can cause numbness in the lips, tongue and chin.

If your blood clot exposes bones and nerves, this can lead to a painful condition called dry socket (alveolitis).

What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Your dentist or oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the condition of your wisdom tooth and the level of comfort you want.

Your dentist or oral surgeon will administer a local anesthetic with one or more injections near where the extractions will take place. Before the injection, your dentist will likely also apply a numbing agent to your gums to numb them. You will be awake during tooth extraction. You may feel some pressure and movement, but you will not feel pain.

Your dentist or oral surgeon may give you sedation anesthesia through an intravenous (IV) line in your arm. Sedation anesthesia suppresses your consciousness during the procedure. As a result, you will not feel any pain during the procedure. You will also receive a local anesthetic to numb your gums.

In special cases, your doctor may offer you the option of performing the surgery under general anesthesia. You will lose consciousness with the medicine you will breathe through your nose or take through the IV line in your arm. Your surgical team will closely monitor your medications, breathing, temperature, changes in body fluids and blood pressure throughout this process. You will not feel any pain during the procedure. Local anesthesia is also used in some cases to help with possible postoperative discomfort.

What Should Be Considered After 20-Tooth Extraction?

If your surgery was performed under sedation or general anesthesia, you will be taken to a recovery room after the procedure. In cases where local anesthesia is used, it is sufficient to rest for a short time in the dental chair.

During your recovery period after your surgery, follow your dentist’s instructions on the following:

It is normal for mild blood leakage to occur on the first day after wisdom tooth surgery. Do not spit vigorously to avoid clot formation. Change gauze over the extraction site as directed by your dentist or oral surgeon.

You can use an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen in case of pain. If bone was removed during treatment, your doctor may recommend stronger prescription pain relievers. Putting ice on your chin can also reduce pain.

You can use an ice pack in accordance with the recommendations of your dentist or surgeon. Swelling that may occur on your cheeks heals in two or three days. It may take a little longer for the bruises to heal.

After surgery, rest for the rest of the day. You can resume your normal activities the next day, but avoid strenuous activities for at least a week that may have negative effects on blood clotting in the socket.

Drink plenty of water after surgery. Do not drink alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated or hot beverages within the first 24 hours. For the first week, do not drink your drinks using a straw to prevent clot formation.

For the first 24 hours, eat only soft foods such as yogurt or applesauce. Avoid hard, sticky, hot or spicy foods that can irritate the wound.

Do not brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, spit, or use mouthwash for the first 24 hours after surgery. After the first 24 hours, you can continue brushing your teeth. Be more gentle around the surgical wound when brushing your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm salt water every two hours.

If you smoke, do not smoke for at least 72 hours after surgery. If you chew tobacco, quit this habit for at least a week before surgery. Using tobacco products after your surgery delays healing and increases the risk of complications.

Your doctor may use stitches that dissolve within a few weeks or, in some cases, choose not to have any stitches at all. In cases where your stitches need to be removed, make an appointment for them to be removed.

When Should You Call Your Dentist or Surgeon?

Contact your dentist or maxillofacial surgeon if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms after surgery, as they may indicate an unhealed extraction site, an infection, a nerve injury, or other serious complications such as:

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