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What is Social Phobia (Social Anxiety)?

Social Phobia

What is Social Phobia (Social Anxiety)?

Social phobia is one of the psychological disorders also called social anxiety. An individual with social phobia may engage in many behaviors in social settings. For example; Such as shyness, shyness, tension and nervousness. It is perfectly normal to have these situations.

However, although they think that these behaviors are a normal situation, on the contrary, these individuals may be unaware that it negatively affects their social life, interactions with people and business life.

At What Age Does Social Phobia (Social Anxiety) Start?

Social phobia can occur at almost any age. Social phobia often begins in adolescence. According to studies, the age range of experiencing social phobia is between 10 and 20 years old. The first symptoms appear in preschool ages.
Especially in childhood, as a result of traumatic experiences such as being mocked, excluded, and humiliated, the child may experience extreme shyness and stress in social environments. In this case, there may be problems arising from the family. Children learn how to approach social situations with the education they receive from their families, especially during their pre-school development period, and thus their behavior develops in this direction.

What are The Symptoms of Social Phobia?

What are The Conditions That Exaggerate for Social Phobia (Social Anxiety) Symptoms?

What are The Psychological Disorders Caused by Social Phobia (Social Anxiety)?

How is Social Phobia (Social Anxiety) Treated?

Social Phobia is a curable disorder. In Social Phobia, medication or psychotherapy is applied depending on the patient’s condition. Of course, one drug treatment may not be enough. However, psychotherapy should also be applied.

Treatment options are as follows:

  1. Medication (Antidepressants)

There are several types of medication available for the treatment of Social Phobia, and your doctor will help you determine which one might be right for you.

These ;

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI):

Drugs in this group; Escitalopram, Citalopram, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine are drugs containing active ingredient.

These drugs are;

Common side effects of SSRIs:

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs):

The drugs in this group are; Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine, Levomilnacipran are drugs containing the active ingredient.

Unlike depression treatment, SNRI group drugs:

Those who use SNRI group antidepressants:


These drugs are used on demand for short periods of time when antidepressants start to work or in situations that cause anxiety. They are not designed for long-term use.
Lorazepam or alprazolam are its active ingredients.

Beta Blockers:

Some beta-blockers are used to treat or prevent physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a rapid heart rate. Propranolol or metoprolol are its active ingredients.

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It is a type of psychotherapy that aims to provide healing by targeting the thoughts, feelings and behaviors associated with or sustaining the person’s psychological problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat a wide variety of problems. And the most preferred psychotherapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Because it helps you quickly identify and deal with specific challenges. It usually requires fewer sessions than other types of therapy and is done in a segmented fashion.

In Which Diseases Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Applied?

  1. Anxiety Management Techniques

Relaxation training and breathing techniques can help a person manage their anxiety symptoms.

Some physical anxiety symptoms can be triggered by hyperventilation (excessive breathing).

Relaxation techniques include:

  1. Social Skills Training

Social skills training is a type of psychotherapy that tries to help people develop their social skills so that they can be socially competent. SKT  is predominantly a behavioral therapy.

However, in some cases, this cognitive therapy can also be used to maximize the success of Social Skills Training.

This psychotherapy can be done one-on-one or in a group.

The most basic and common techniques used in Social Skills Training are:

  1. Basic Social Skills Exercises
  2. Learning from Model
  3. Teaching (Verbal Teaching and Teaching by Modeling)
  4. Analysis of Significant Events
  5. Social Problem Solving
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