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What is Respiratory Obstruction?

Respiratory Obstruction

What is Respiratory Obstruction?

First of all, respiratory tract obstruction is when the airway is blocked to a certain extent, preventing the passage of air necessary for breathing, making breathing difficult. Respiratory obstruction, which is divided into two types: complete obstruction or partial obstruction, is a problem that requires urgent intervention.

What are The Causes of Respiratory Obstruction?

What causes respiratory tract obstruction, which can be experienced by everyone in daily life, is among the most wondered questions. There are many factors in this disorder, which can be experienced by anyone from 7 to 70.

When looking at the factors that block the respiratory tract:

What are The Types of Respiratory Obstruction?

  1. Partial Clogging:

The situation where there is some air passage, even if it is small, is called partial blockage.

  1. Complete Clogging:

The situation where the air inlet is completely blocked is called complete blockage.

What are The Symptoms of Partial Clogging and Complete Clogging?

Partial Clogging Symptoms

Symptoms of Complete Clogging

In this case, the Heimlich Maneuver (Abdominal Compression) is performed.

Heimlich Maneuver (Applying Abdominal Compression)

The Heimlich maneuver is a first aid method that helps open the airway of a person whose throat or trachea is blocked for any reason by applying pressure to the abdomen.

When a foreign object gets stuck in the throat, the Heimlich maneuver is one of the primary methods used to remove the object. In this method, which is applied individually and includes several techniques, it is necessary to know the basic information.

Heimlich Maneuver in Conscious Persons 1

Heimlich Maneuver  in Conscious Persons 2

Heimlich Maneuver in Conscious Persons 3

Heimlich Maneuver  in Conscious Persons 4

Heimlich Maneuver in Unconscious Persons 1

Heimlich Maneuver  in Unconscious Persons 2

Heimlich Maneuver in Unconscious Persons 3

In such cases, when airway obstruction is suspected, first aiders will perform Basic Life Support.

If air does not escape after rescue breathing is given, it is thought that there is an obstruction. The first aider should check whether there is a foreign object in the mouth, and if he sees a foreign object, remove it.

Opening a Completely Obstructed Airway in Babies

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