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What is Arm Lift Aesthetics (Brachioplasty)?

Arm lifting

What is Arm Lift Aesthetics (Brachioplasty)?

Arm Lift Aesthetics (Brachioplasty) Surgery is the process of recovering the sagging of the arm in cases such as aging, genetic factors or rapid weight gain and giving it a more taut skin structure.

Since these sagging on the arm create a bad aesthetic appearance, it is a surgical intervention with a high success rate and frequently applied by people who appear as a lack of self-confidence.

Arm Lift surgery is performed to improve the appearance of saggy skin in the lower part of the arm. Due to rapid weight loss or aging, sagging of the arm skin may occur.

These sagging skins are removed with arm lift aesthetics. Surgical techniques vary according to the person and the severity of the sagging. The liposuction technique can be applied to people with excess fat tissue during the procedure.

Why is Arm Lift Aesthetics (Brachioplasty) Performed?

Loose and sagging arm skin is one of the sources of unhappiness for peopleThis problem is especially noticeable in sleeveless garments. When the arms are raised to both sides, sagging occurs at the bottom in the bat wing image.
You can get rid of this problem, which is both physically and emotionally disturbing, thanks to plastic surgery.

In Which Situations Does Skin Sagging On The Arm Occur?

Removing enough fat with the liposuction process causes the arm to appear thinner and the sagging appearance to disappear completely. In this way, people can achieve a more aesthetic appearance of their arm with the operation. Skin sagging can be seen on the arms of people who are too old. Skin sagging on the arm is among the factors that disrupt the aesthetic appearance of the body.

Thanks to arm lift surgery, such problems can be seen. If there is no problem with the skin, it is possible for the person to benefit from liposuction. It becomes possible for the person to achieve an aesthetic appearance in a very short time. The person can achieve the desired appearance very easily and has a permanent aesthetic. Having permanent aesthetics also helps the person to have self-confidence.

Who are Suitable Candidates For Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery?

How is Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery Performed?

If needed during the surgery, the first application is done with liposuction, then the excess skin that causes sagging on the arm is surgically removed.

The surgery is performed with local anesthesia. And it takes 2-3 hours on average. In some patients, the procedure can also be performed under general anesthesia. 1 day hospitalization is required.

Arm lift surgery;

  1. Mini Arm Lift,
  2. Standard Arm Stretch
  3. Extended Arm Stretch.

The most appropriate surgical technique is determined according to the sagging condition in the arm.

An incision is made in the armpit area and the operation is started. This procedure is suitable for people with little sagging of the skin. By liposuction, the arm is thinned and the excess skin is pulled under the armpit.

An incision is made from the armpit to the elbow. Since the cutting process is done from the inside of the arm, no traces are visible when viewed from the front and back.

An incision is made from the elbow to the lateral chest wall. It is the most effective surgical method for patients with excessive arm sagging. A more prominent scar can be seen compared to other methods.

What are The Advantages of Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery?

What are The Complications and Risks of Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

The decision for arm lift surgery is highly personal and you need to decide whether the benefits will meet your goals and whether the risks and potential complications are acceptable.

What are The Considerations Before Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery?

There are some points to be considered before arm aesthetics. First, you should ask your healthcare provider if this surgery is right for you. If you have certain health problems, the risks of surgery may not be worth it. Your surgeon will also want to make sure you have a realistic idea of the results of the surgery. It is also important that you stick to a healthy lifestyle throughout this process.

It is also important to set your budget. Most health insurance plans do not cover body contouring surgery. That’s why it’s a good idea to know how much the surgery will cost you. In addition, it is beneficial to postpone this surgery until you reach a stable and ideal weight.

In addition, if you frequently enter the cycle of weight gain and loss after the surgery, the successful result you have achieved with the procedure may be lost.

If you smoke, you should stop smoking at least a few weeks before surgery. Smoking greatly increases the risk of complications and can also delay your recovery.

You should also ask your surgeon if you need to stop taking any medications before surgery. You should also stop eating and drinking after midnight the day of your surgery. In addition, your surgeon can test before surgery.

These tests may include:

What are The Considerations to Be Considered After Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery?

How is The Recovery Process After Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery?

If the operation is performed with local anesthesia, you can be discharged on the same day.
It is safer to stay in the hospital for 1 night in surgeries where general anesthesia is applied.


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