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Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Rotator Cuff Syndrome is a shoulder condition that is seen with a compression that occurs as a result of the narrowing of the distance between the rotator cuff and the bone structure. The Rotator Cuff is also called the shoulder cuff.

The Rotator Cuff is the name given to the group of muscles and tendons that work together to keep the shoulder stable. Muscles make the shoulder work better.

Tendons serve to stabilize the shoulder area. Pain may occur due to damage to this tendon and muscle group. The first thing that comes to mind is that there may already be such damage as a result of the pain in this area..


How Does Rotator Cuff Syndrome Occur?

Shoulder joint; consists of the scapula, arm bone, and collarbone. The arm bone is connected to the collarbone by tendons. The Rotator Cuff tendon attaches to the bone and contracts. In this way, the arm is raised and the shoulder moves.

Rotator Cuff Syndrome occurs as a result of narrowing of the distance between the shoulder cuff and the bony structure.

Keeping the arms up for a long time and arm movements in the form of frequent throwing cause this distance to narrow. In addition to these, with calcification, the distance narrows and the bony structures at the joint ends become closer.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


Stockholm Syndrome

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