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Innea Aqua

Innea Aqua

What does Innea Aqua do?

It is a CE certified product produced by Italian scientists and widely used in Europe. The main purpose of this product is to provide non-surgical stretching of the face, that is, to remove the sagging of the face. In addition, it also increases the quality of the skin by stimulating collagen synthesis.

Innea Aqua filler?

It is more than just a fill with the elements that exist in it. Innea Aqua 6 points are determined before the procedure. It is applied as a 6-point technique to provide the necessary effect, especially in the face area. It is a good option for people who have sagging face, loss of elasticity and do not want a normal filling for treatment.

How permanent is Innea Aqua?

In order to maintain the permanence of the Biolift effect, it is recommended to apply every 6 to 8 months. Innea Aqua is an application that offers skin tightening, lifting and biorevitalization effects.

When does the Innea Aqua Effect start?

The systematic dermo-regeneration effect of Innea Aqua begins with intense lifting and moisture increase right after the first application. Within a few weeks, regeneration is noticeable. Histological improvements are also observed after the first application.


Who Cannot Apply Filling Application?

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