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How is Beard Transplantation Applied?

beard transplant

How is Beard Transplantation Applied?

Before Operation

Beard transplantation operations are not started directly. First, the factors underlying the patient’s beard problem are sought. Before the operation, the patient should grow his beard about two centimeters. This length is sufficient to see the angles and density, and accordingly to determine the amount and angles to be planted.

Beard Transplantation Details

During beard transplantation, hair follicles taken from the nape or hair area are used. The taken roots are transferred to the problem area in the beard area. The beard of the person is formed. Thanks to this application, beard transplantation can be done in people who have no or sparse beard.

With the effect of local anesthesia applied during beard transplantation, the procedure is performed without any pain. Since the FUE technique is used here, as in hair transplantation, beard transplantation is performed in an extremely comfortable way. With this technique, the hair follicles taken from the non-shedding areas are transplanted into the beard area.

If there are regional losses in the person to be transplanted, the beard density in the surrounding area is evaluated and a transplant planning is made to adapt to this. If the beard is completely absent, 1000-3000 hair follicles can be planted by adjusting the limit and frequency according to the person’s request.

100 + 100 roots in the sideburn area, 400 + 400 roots in the chin and mustache area, a total of 1000 hair follicles are planted in a person who has no beard. It will be a good planting.

Things To Consider During Beard Transplantation

First of all, the hair follicles to be transplanted must be suitable for the beard. Because the hair follicles in the beard area are not like the hair. Since they are thinner, the roots to be planted should be suitable for this. For this reason, hair follicles to be taken from the neck and nape of the beard area are more preferred.

Another issue to be considered during beard transplantation is to plant hair follicles at an appropriate angle to the person’s beard. The planting angle of the hair follicles is important to obtain a natural appearance. Since cutting tools are not used in the Fue technique during planting, pitting does not occur at the bottom. This helps to achieve a natural appearance after planting.

The hair roots to be used in beard transplantation should be single. In other words, the hair follicles to be taken from the neck or nape should be separated individually and used in planting. This is because the natural hair follicles in the beard area are always single.

The color distribution of the hair follicles taken in beard transplantation in the area to be transplanted is an important issue, as is the same angle and direction. Transplanting black hair follicles to a person with a white beard or not making the distribution of black and white hair roots properly can lead to an undesirable appearance.

When the hair roots are taken from the neck or nape, they should be transferred to the planting place without waiting. Because the hair follicles taken are alive. If these are kept waiting, they will lose their function, that is, they will die because they will be without oxygen. This is especially important for people with limited hair follicles in the donor area. Hair follicles must be transplanted without loss.

How Should Channels be Opened in Beard Transplantation?

In beard planting, an area should be created for the planting of hair follicles. It is easier to open it by piercing with a needle, not by opening channels as in hair transplantation, to give the right angle. Hair roots can be planted at 35-40 degree angles.

After Beard Transplantation

Care should be taken to shorten the recovery period after beard transplant operations, to reduce risks and complications, and to ensure that the transplanted beards grow as desired. In addition, care should be applied to the face area. This maintenance can be done as follows.

Healing Process After Beard Transplantation

In other words, it is possible to say that new beards grow in the fourth – sixth month after the operation, although it varies according to the amount of beard planted and the patient. It may take up to a year for the results to fully settle.

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