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Colic Babies

Crying Colic Baby

Prolonged Cries in Babies

In babies, prolonged crying spells are a concern for parents. Unknown cries can indicate a health problem in babies. For this reason, it is very important for the health of the baby to go to a health institution for frequently repeated crying spells.

Crying over 2 hours

If your baby cries very loudly and clearly for more than 2 hours, a specialist doctor should definitely be consulted. Physical examination of the baby and afterwards, if necessary, laboratory and radiology examinations should be performed. Causes that may cause crying should be investigated.

Possible causes of prolonged crying in babies


It occurs in the first or second week after birth. Seen in babies in the form of spasm and crying spells. This situation that worries families a lot. Approx, seen in 20% of babies. It is not a sign of any disease. It can also be defined as gas pain. In order to be diagnosed with colic, babies younger than 3 or 4 months should have restlessness, spasm and crying spells for at least 3 days a week and approximately 3 hours a day.

Baby crying with colic is different from normal crying. When the baby starts to cry, it cannot be calmed down. These cries are mostly seen in the afternoon and evening.

In rare cases, crying spells can last for 24 hours. Colic babies cry mostly every day. Although crying attacks stop from time to time, they may suddenly start again. The baby’s crying often ends with burping.

If the crying of the baby is not caused by a different situation, these cries usually end after the 3rd month. In this situation caused by gas pain, there are some techniques that help the baby calm down.

What are the Symptoms of Colic Baby?

How to Calm a Colic Baby?

Tourniquet Syndrome:

It can be wrapped around the baby’s fingers, feet or a limb, clothing or a blanket that is draped over it. Later, the baby may be uneasy. For this reason, the baby should be completely stripped during physical examination.

Reaction to vaccination:

Discomfort and crying spells can be seen in babies due to post-vaccination side effects. It can cause crying, causing fever and restlessness.


The drugs used by the mother can be passed on to the baby through breastfeeding. This situation may cause discomfort in the baby. Medication should be avoided as much as possible during breastfeeding. In addition, the mother should stay away from bitter, very sour and very spicy foods. During the breastfeeding period, it may irritate the baby through milk. During the examination of the baby, the doctor should definitely inform the doctor if the mother is using medication.


It is one of the first reasons that come to mind for crying after the 4th month. During this period, babies refuse to be fed. He experiences discomfort due to itching. He may have a fever. There may be such disturbances for each tooth that comes out.

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